Youth Summit
Bringing together the world's leading researchers and activists to talk about social media and youth well-being.
And we'd love for you to join the conversation.
Social media is impacting youth more than ever before. With the rise in AI and a 2024 election approaching, social media platforms are increasingly causing loneliness, misinformation, political polarization, and a decline in youth mental health.
Unwiring hosted a Youth Summit for young people, parents, and educators
to learn from the world's leading experts.
Key Takeaways
"Young people need to have technology designed for them...
We are not an afterthought."
– Emma Lembke
While not enough causational evidence between social media and mental health on a "population level," the mindset (feeling in control, anticipating benefits/harms) and usage (what we do with these platforms) greatly affects social media’s impacts on our well-being.
Social media is a tool that can be used for both good and bad.​
"It's kind of like a hammer—with a hammer you can build a house; you can also do a lot of damage to yourself or to others... Social media really was designed for adults, and wasn't designed with design elements and safeguards for youth."
– Dr. Megan Moreno
To quote Emma Lembke, we need to focus on creating a relationship with social media that is "mutualistic rather than parasitic."
Like social media, AI’s impact depends on how it’s used and interpreted.
"A lot of AI generated content is either not disclosed or decontextualized."
– Renée DiResta
Youth working together to rethink our future is one of the most effective paths forward.
"There has never been a generation in American history as diverse, progressive,
and socially aware as Gen Z."
– Aidan Kohn-Murphy
When: April 20th @ 9-11 PST
Where: online